Company Formation Package Options
Here you will find information about the company formation packages available on our website.

Limited by Guarantee Package (£214.99)
A Company Limited by Guarantee is a type of company that does not have a share capital or shareholders and is usually formed to manage a charity or not for profit organisation such as a sports club or political party. Rather than having shareholders a limited by Guarantee Company will have guarantors (or trustees), such individuals enjoy limited liability status but guarantee to pay a predetermined sum (usually £1.00) in the event of winding up the company.
What is the difference between a Guarantee company and a Company limited by shares?
As mentioned above a company limited by guarantee does not have a share capital or shareholders. Such companies also have a list of predetermined ‘objects’ stipulated in their Memorandum of Association, the objects define what the company will do and usually include a clause to restrict the directors from paying out any profits to the trustees, but rather to reinvest any profits in fulfilling the company's objects.
How do I set up a Company Limited by Guarantee?
Using our intuitive Incorporation system you can form a company Limited by Guarantee quickly and easily. All forms are completed online and the average turnaround from payment to receipt of your company registration number is around 5 hours. The cost for incorporating a company limited by guarantee is inclusive of the statutory filing fee of £20.00.
Includes a Printed Certificate of Incorporation
On successful incorporation of your company we will print a certificate of incorporation in accordance with the guidelines set forth by Companies House. The certificate of incorporation will display the company registration number and the official seal of Companies House. In many cases the certificate of incorporation is required to open a bank account.
Includes Two Bound Copies of the Memorandum and Artciles of Association
When forming your company we submit a generic Memorandum and Articles of Association to Companies House, this is suitable for practically all commercial companies. On successful incorporation you will receive a professional looking copy of these documents bound in a presentation file. These documents will be despatched 1 st class on the day the company is incorporated at Companies House.
Other Packages Available >>
Basic Package (£175.99)
Standard Package (£189.99)
Executive Package (£214.99)